Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Process Creation

A process can create several new processes. The creating process is called parent process whereas a new process is called child process of that process. New process can further create a more child processes, thus forming tree structure.
processes creation
processes creation
Here, a child has only one parent and a parent has more Childs. Every process will need certain resource (CPU, time, memory, I/O devices) to accomplish its work. If any processes create any sub-process that sub-process may use the resources from the operating system or parent may partition its resources among its child process.
There are several possible ways of executing when any parent creates the child process like:-
a. Synchronous: – if a process is created from another as a synchronous process then the new process must complete execution before the old one can resume.
b. Asynchronous: – if a new process is created asynchronously, then two processes may run concurrently.


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